Force on Force Pistolcraft
Force on Force (FoF) Pistolcraft is the skill set progression from our Tactical Pistolcraft class. FoF Pistolcraft is designed to place the student into the most probable use of force situations that a civilian might encounter. Deadly Force case law and liability will be discussed in detail and evaluated in each scenario.
This course will cover the situations that include, managing unknown contacts (MUC), bump in the night, parking lot robbery, carjacking, to name a few. The concepts of shooting in and around cover, shooting on the move, and vital human anatomy will be applied.
Each Student will leave the class with a post shooting plan. This will be accomplished by scenario based live fire utilizing Ultimate Training Munitions (UTM).
Each Student will be evaluated, assessed, and provided feedback on a series of scenarios that highlight each element of the class.
Student Perquisites: Formal Firearms Training Certificate (evaluated on a case-by-case basis) Knowledge of a semiautomatic handgun. Should be able to load, unload, correct malfunction, draw and holster. This class will be shot from concealment.
Contingency Tactical will provide:
Personal Protective equipment
UTM Pistol
UTM Ammunition
Inert OC Spray
Student Equipment requirements:
Heavy Sweatshirt
Sharpie Pen/ paper (small Notebook)
Rain Jacket
Climate Appropriate Clothing
Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK)
Small Cooler